Monday, June 23, 2008

Surpass [MiT exam]

Lesson:MiT exam
Location: Leaf Complex
Teacher: Kami

Kami wrote:
Name; Okara Kami, Country of Origin; Fire...

And so went the passport that Kami held in his hands, hiding it under the desk as he scanned it again and again. It was his alright, no one else in leaf had the name Kami in his knowledge. Suddenly a nurse walked in through the door of his large medical room. He quickly shot the passport into a pocket of his chuunin vest and gave her a smile, the same old smile he used to.

She smiled back and hurried on with her work, apparently collecting a few files from his cabinet and leaving with a quick bow. Looking around Kami frowned at the fact that the room was so white, it almost glowed in its bank lack of all color. He might have been the pediatrician lately of the hospital, but he didn't want to drag himself into the boredom of childhood again. Of course today he had canceled all of his appointments, sending temporary care services to the homes of the patients so that they wouldn't need Kami.

Kami was busied with other matters, those being the Medic in Training exams. Reading a short list that was presented to him this morning he mentally reviewed the names, the cat girl, the weird kid, and the water girl. He still hadn't thought up of a plan to run this class though, he had an idea, but no plan. He had sent them all messages, delivered by word from his little courier minions. They would inform them that they were invited to join the MiT exam at the Hospital top floor. The walls had no cracks, no stains, just the white paint that had been reinforced this week. Outside the window was all of Konoha, well most of it until the hills came and skewered sight past it.

The 14 year old boy known to kids through out Konoha as their doctor sat with tired eyes now. Who would be the first to arrive?

Come on in folks =D

Kiyokawa Hibiki wrote:
I sighed as I thought about the message given to me by one of Konoha's famous couriers. It was finally time to go and participate in the medic in training exam so I could follow down my chosen path. That's right it was my path! Not one laid before me by my mom. Not something my father could scare me into. Not something that I was being pressured into doing. It was my choice. The choice to endure along the proper path to helping others. To at least heal a small part of the wounds of this world. Even if only the physical ones. With those thoughts buzzing throughout my head I removed my headband from my head and placed it back around my neck as usual. I wasn't going to hide the "curse" any longer. I may still have been shaken by my father but I'd found my resolve. That was all that mattered.

I continued to walk down the path to the hospital and noticed the faint voice in the back of my head still calling out. Accusing me of being destined to follow in my father's footsteps. Accusing me of being doomed to walk the path of a murderer. Accusing me of not being able to forge my own path. Yet somehow I managed to avidly ignore it but even so it refused to quiet itself. A problem which I would deal with when the time came. For now I allowed myself to focus on finding the proper room. I had just entered the hospital and I walked through it's weaving vanes and noticed how the whole thing moved like a giant living organism. Everyone had their task. Everyone or at least almost everyone knew where to go. It was a fluid motion. Some places rushing, some slow, and yet through it all I had my own destination.

I finally arrived at the proper door for yet another exam. It was time to finally take the proper steps in forging my own destiny and breaking the curse which had been laid upon my life. It would be a difficult one but even so I somehow hoped there would be a light on the end of it. I wasn't sure why but such a small event in life, in the galaxy, in the universe meant so much to me. It was nothing more than a small fragment of time. Not even a noteworthy enough event to bring any reference in history. Yet somehow this even meant the whole world to me. I gathered my dreams and stepped through the open door even if they were bound to be shattered.

Little Hirosue was told to go at the top floor.
Climbing up the stairs, going through some door.
Little Hirosue squinted at the walls of shining white.
Her green eyes told her the blank color was not right.

Little Suweh sucked on her green bib as she walked.
Noticing a little boy's hair made with some white stalk.
Little Suweh scratched her head and stopped for a rest.
Saya clung on to her shoulders, the view here was best.

[Topic Entered] [Event Slot Used]

Kashiwa Amatsu wrote:Amatsu had received the message inviting her to another MiT exam. Another, because she remembered that she had failed a first one. Hopefully, that would be the last exam she would ever fail. Hopefully. As was her normal tradition, she perused the message one more time, taking note of the venue of this examination, then setting off at a normal pace. She wasn't late, she thought, and could do with a leisurely stroll.

On sighting the building, she looked up at the top floor, and back at the letter. Top floor, huh? It wouldn't hurt to make a flashy entrance. Observing the windows carefully, she chose one that was open, and the dashed up the wall of the building...

... To pop into the room where the others were waiting, seemingly for her. Hmmm, everyone was present, so she had an audience. She recognized Kami and Hibiki straightaway, and the other girl... Hirosue, if she was correct, had introduced herself back at the MiT lesson. Jumping off the window sill and into the room, she greeted everyone heartily and stood facing Kami, prepared for this examination, to the best of her knowledge...

Little Hirosue quickly heard some footsteps running.
Perking up her ears, finding herself a bit humming.
Little Hirosue saw a girl pop from the window.
Clapping her hands with a shout of, "Bingo~!"

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