Sunaku Niwa wrote:
The Sunaku watched as Hirosue removed what seemed to be bandages from a pouch, it seemed that she thinks I know what to do….damn my jounin rank…and any other high rank that I have that I may not know about…okay think think think if I can just keep her comfy while we wait for the medic to arrive she may just get that nasty breakage fixed without a problem….but the main problem is when will they get here….
“Um…yeah didn’t mean to do that….I mean like for real I did not mean to break anyone’s bones here…maybe an accidental rock slide could have but not me myself…I mean I must have not released you when I unleashed the crescent kick fast enough…”
A small giggle that signified that the Sunaku felt she was in an awkward situation escaped as she rubbed the back of her head in an attempt to show that it was all just an accident. In fact it was punishment for being unable to do what was expected of her in the fight, of course this would also mean that Hirosue would also be facing a punishment far worse when the time arose. That time of course would arise fair soon only due to the fact that the Sunaku had created a very brilliant idea on how to do it.
“So um….hmm Hirosue come over here please...”
The statement was of course just to lure the poor girl into range of an ancient trap that had been laid down centuries ago. After all it just so happened that through the fight they had wound up finding themselves in the center of an area used to test people’s abilities as shinobi. So before long Hirosue would find herself drop in chakra levels as a chakra absorption trap activated below her. This would of course allow the Sunaku to further drain the girl by asking her to perform a few jutsu to help with the procedure that wasn’t really needed. After all once your chakra supply is drained you begin to drain your life away slowly but surely. Of course she wasn’t going to kill the girl, just drain her to a point where she will sleep easier and wake up still slightly drained.
One More Round An Then We Wait On The Anbu and Medic Due To Their Arrive Meaning The End Of The Lesson.
Ayachi Takeo wrote:
(You ordered that package almost a month ago. No one pays attention to us besides S class missing nin and annoying leafies with kitties and exploding heads Crying or Very sad )
Takeo really had no other option in his role at the moment. He would make sure that Aki's arm remained supported and maybe gave her something to lean on until an actual solution could be made. That was the extent of his ability in this situation and so he waited.
Fortunately, it looked like the sensei had organized a resolution to the problem in her head and was calling the youngest girl over. It was good to know that she finally knew when to stop the detriment.
Noiru Aki wrote:
[OOC: IMMA GENIN! Very Happy I AM A GENNIN I AM A GENNIN I AM A GENNIN! *thinks about Sensei Niwa (Jounin)* dammit... i am nothin >.<]
Aki looked at her limb arm and poked it. "GOD...damn it..." She felt water at her arm. There was water on the ground. By the pain, she must have made it reach her arm. Too bad it didn't really help. Did Hakus had abbilities to heal? If they had, Father never had told her about them. She sighed.
"Hm... Nobody is a MiT in here?" Aki asked, not really expecting an answer. She really doubted she had that luck.
Little Hirosue meekly did as she was told.
Right along with the bandage she did hold.
Little Hirosue made a toothy smile quite eager.
Stopped in front of Niwa like a helpless villager.
Little Suweh's eyebrow slowly raised in alarm.
Noticing her chakra levels reaped like a farm.
Little Suweh felt a bit sleepy as she did the jutsus.
Now half-sleep and snoring like from the zoos.
Hirosue would come to Niwa and comply to performing the jutsus.
Nice job Aki ^^,
Dokuro wrote:
Dokuro walked through the grass. His white Medical robes blowing in the wind behind him and Niwa's package under his right arm. Dokuro made his way to the group of students and their teacher. Dokuro walked past the students and nelt down on his knees to hand the package to Niwa. "Please forgive me Niwa-sama. I got caught up." Dokuro waited for the merciful cross-dressing jounin to take the package from his hands.
(Entering Topic)
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