Monday, June 23, 2008

Flash and Bang

Sunaku Niwa wrote:
Sunaku quietly laughed to herself as she witnessed the clean blow to Takeo’s face. It was just awe inspiring to witness such a thing, that it almost made her forget that she was doing a lesson…okay she had forgot slightly but that doesn’t matter really. Suddenly the smell of chocolate came back to her and she finally figured out where it was coming from. Her pocket! She immediately attacked the slightly melted chocolate while scaling the wall and cutting the two down with a quick swing of Takeo’s katana.

“You two failed the first exercise rather horribly; I was really expecting one of you to figuring out how to get out. The swing to safety idea was a nice touch but I was hoping that you two would have realized that if you used the other as a way to pull yourself up you could easily get to the top of the snare….oh well…”

A large crash was heard as the Sunaku was talking, this immediately caused her to turn towards the direction of the crates. Waltzing over she noticed that the crate Hirosue was in had some how rolled into the crate with Mei in it. This of course left a huge mess not to mention activated one last trap for Mei, in which the behemoth vanished but not with ramming her dead on only to turn into a note with a seal placed on it. It also had a tag on it that read that it should be kept near. Of course Hirosue was no where in sight but of course that would remain for long as the ‘chocolate’ in her pocket went off with a large bang and a flash. It wasn’t going to kill but it sure as hell would startle the poor girl.

"Hehe, fake exploding notes aren't they lovely?"

The Sunaku said as she walked her way to Hirosue, who's possition was given away due to the large flash and bang. Of course just because one of the notes was a fake didn't mean that the one for Mei was fake as well. For all that mattered the note could actually come in handy later on in the trials.

"Anyways class get your research gear out and start taking notes of everything around you. I promise that there is no more traps I already disamared them. After all this is a research trip and my fun has to stop yeah sorry for all the trouble but I like testing people in odd ways....also who ever comes back with the most significant find might just get something special...."

What words they almost seemed that they were in fact filled with good intentions, of course they weren't but the students didn't know that. Things were only heating up but they would actually have to wait till after the research is gathered. After all the day was barely turning to evening meaning the Sunaku had all the time in the world to prepare for the night that was going to be upon them.

"Oh yeah one more thing Hiro-chan, Mei-chan I was hoping you guys would have went and worked on the crates as a group. Would have kept you out of trouble a lot easier but no you all thought it best to work alone...but whatever the crates were empty so no real harm. I forgot something, the snare trap note was actually just going to exlode and say bang...oh oh and I forgot to tell you that if you did land in the building you would have fallen through to the lowest floor and possibly get hurt. The climbing to the top of the sare would have allowed you to scoop out how to get down as well...oh wait you guys ain't hurt from the fall are you?"

Ayachi Takeo wrote:
he damned sensei had once again struck a nerve with Takeo. This time it was the fact that his plan seemed to have been working. Well, that was until the sensei cut them down and considered it a miserable failure. Apparently climbing the rope was the proper way to escape a rope trap if the rope unbinding technique was not present. There really was no point arguing. This sensei was beyond the bounds of strange and probably wouldn't listen thanks to either her indifference or perhaps a severe case of ADHD which Takeo was coming to diagnose in the teacher. He didn't really care what the stupid teacher thought anyway. He would always use abnormal methods to come to a conclusion even if the didn't always work as well as conventional thought. Besides, he still had two more tasks to succeed at before any amnesia could be performed. Though then again, maybe forgetting this whole thing ever happening may have been a good thing.

Either way, Takeo really didn't have too much more will to do anything else after that traumatic event. Who gave a crap what more the Sunaku wanted to do to him?

Little Hirosue's vison filled up with a flash and bang.
Jumped up so high in the air with an audible twang.
Little Hirosue saw her 'chocolate bar' flying in pieces.
Her small pouch now missing and surely out of business.

Little Suweh clumsily landed on all her little fours.
Finding Saya and all things came from bad to worse.
Little Suweh searched up down here and over there.
Finally finding her face down frowning like a bear.

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