Monday, June 23, 2008

Quick and Sick

Sunaku Niwa wrote:
The Sunaku giggled lightly as she watched the two students collide with each other, of course if Takeo had moved out of the way Aki would have only been thrown into a blanket of soft sand. Of course the fact that he would sacrifice himself for his fellow shinobi showed that he had the true spirit of a team player.

“Now that’s what I call a shinobi with standards…anyways this fight of ours has gone on long enough the night has come so get some sleep and we will head home in the morning after another quick test….oh yeah so far the only person that has met my standards at all is Takeo and he barely did that by thinking up such a creative plan…”

A statement that the students should have hopefully enjoyed after all they finally get to sleep and not have to fear the on going traps of the Sunaku. Of course who is to say that the Sunaku didn’t leave them any in the tents set up for them to sleep in? Nah she wasn’t that mean but of course their was always the possibility that such a thing could happen, after all this was Niwa after all.

I wonder if I were to make them wake up to the sight of a giant sand badger attacking what would they do…hmm that be fun but the problem is that I can’t really go about doing that…hey wait the Anbu and medic never showed up…damn it I wanted my package…oh well they don’t seem to messed up…only a few cuts here and there I didn’t break any of their bones….I think I could have sworn though when I crescent kicked Aki I heard something crack…what if I broke her arm….oh god I can’t heal something that major….damn it….where is that damn medical ninja… The mind of the Sunaku always in chaos never once was it sane but of course if it was then the Sunaku would be extremely boring and there is no fun in that.

-Fight Ends
-Takeo Passes, Aki Semi-Passes, Hiro Fails Due To Doing Nothing
-Niwa Figures Out She Broke Aki's Right Arm
-Thinks Of How To Fix The Problem

Ayachi Takeo wrote:
As Aki flew true to her target, that being Takeo, he braced himself for the oncoming collision. The impact was softened by his positioning, but not enough to not hurt both students at least slightly.

But Takeo's physical injuries over the entire spar had been minimal. However, his other injuries were a little deeper... the injury on his pride. Though Niwa had passed him for his efforts, he had still been soundly beaten. Not as if it would have been likely that he could have lasted in an elongated fight without a longer plan, but it would have been nice to land a hit on the sensei.

Instead, he'd been knocked back on his haunches, still holding Aki after she had been launched. At least the fight was over and they had been uninjured. Takeo got up, expecting Aki to have recuperated by now. They would both have to eat something before they slept. After all, Takeo hadn't had so much as a piece of the chocolate that Hirosue and Niwa had been salivating over. (Not that he much cared. He wasn't particularly fond of chocolate)

Wait, what's up with her arm? She hasn't been moving it. And it's definitely not supposed to be bending like that.

As he got back down on his haunches, he tried to give support back to the injured arm which was hanging kind of limply when he stood up.

Wait, maybe you weren't supposed to touch the arm. Ah, what the hell! What am I saying? I don't know how to deal with a freakin' bone fracture.

Trying to elevate Aki into a position that at least appeared comfortable, he announced to the rest in attendance,

"Her arm's broken."

That was all that Takeo found necessary to say. Anything else, such as the fact that they couldn't go to bed until this was fixed, that it would be a difficult feat if they lost daylight, and that this could turn out to be a miserable night in general if this was not fixed would be a statement of the obvious.

"You guys better get over here. And please say one of you guys can fix this."

Noiru Aki wrote:
[Sorry for being late, but final exams are final over, my best friend is going to Harvard >.< i will miss him (meh, nerd)]

Aki just knew she had suddenly been pushed forward into Takeo and then she was laying on the ground with him. She tried to push herself upwards with her right arm but she couldn't. She didn't feel it. Then, pushing herself up with her other arm, she examined her right arm while sitting on the ground. She heard Takeo say something about a broken arm, but she was unaware of this because she was staring at her arm. She touched it and gasped in pain. Damn, it is broken.

Aki just hoped somebody here knew how to fix broken arms... Or crack bones back together.

[I expected to fail completely... but okay I guess]

Little Hirosue's mouth quirked as she came right along.
Looking at Takeo, guessing something was really wrong.
Little Hirosue made a little hop and a little skip so quick.
Noticed Aki's sour expression made her quite a little sick.

Little Suweh gently crouched beside her with her bag.
Rummaging inside for a bandage as it made a little sag.
Little Suweh then pulled it out with a squeak of victory.
Yet forgot what to do with it and turned to Niwa hopefully.

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