Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Surprise. Surprise...

Kami wrote:
Kami continued staring down at the table, a dim light swung back and forth as Kazi and Raida came to the scene. There really wasn't a problem other than Kami, these thugs weren't going to cause a mess, Kami was. Small droplets of lemonade had fallen, scattering themselves over the table, as though trying to escape from the glass.

"Oh nothing much, we here just don't seem to know any manners."

That was Kami's response to Kazi's second question, as he saw answering the first hardly fit anymore. Raida came in and asked the same to Kai, who Kami was sure would answer without much enthusiasm. Something was fishy around here, he could easily tell from the glances this first man shot at Kami and Kai. Then a clown came... Kami could do nothing more than sigh.

But the first man looked at him and grinned. Oh oh. Ambush? Trap? It hardly matterd now that the three were knee deep into the situation. The doom of the scenario didn't fail to bring a grin onto the Okara's face as the first man began to speak. A threat? Warning? Caution? Kami's eyes slowly glided under almost shut lids to make sure Hirosue was alright, she seemed to be questioning someone.

By now Kami was pretty sure as to what was going on, and if he wasn't, he was about to be certain in a moment.

"Kurokawa Kai, were you trying to join the Yakuza?"

Yes that turned the heads of many and shunned their presence from the bar. The name usually brought on such a reaction but Kami didn't care for it any more. The bartender clenched the bottle in his hand nervously as the name was spoken, and the same reaction emanated through many of the spectators in the area. Yes he had dared to speak the unspeakable in a place possibly crowded with dangerous shinobi, but Kami simply testing how far he could go now. How far he could go before something real happened.

The Okara hot a glance at Raida, he must have known how it felt to be in Kai's shoes, as did Kami. But this time the three were going to play Sashimi's role, and turn this tropical storm into a tatsumaki.

Masurao Shirokouu wrote:
[Topic Entered using Free RP]

Thoughts filled Shiro's head as they never had in the past. The events at the Temple still weighed incredibly heavily upon his conscience and he felt obligated to find what he could deduct or discern about the situation. I still don't know Neko's affiliation with that event... I have to catch up to him. The truth was, Shiro had been following Neko since the event, trying to obtain information regarding the bombing that would aid in the obvious investigation that would follow. Sticking in the shadows, Shiro watched as Neko approached another boy, though he had only met this boy once and had forgotten his name, along with a younger girl with... A pacifier...? A shinobi... With a pacifier... That's ridiculous... Shiro was in shock at the fact that such a thing was even possible.

Before long, the situation became even more interesting. Three more figures approached, none of which Shiro knew. Whats... going on here? Shiro mentally inquired. I think I need to deduce the situation. Neko certainly looks suspicious. Shiro decided that it was time to approach the situation. As he walked forward, he overheard one of the newcomers questioning the boy whose name he didn't remember. "Kurokawa Kai, were you trying to join the Yakuza?" 'Ahh yes, that was the boy's name' would have been the normal response had the latter part of the sentence not been uttered, but instead Shiro's eyes widened at the inquisition. Yakuza? The mental imposition sent his mind into the stoic deduction that it so often held. If this boy is joining Yakuza, then Neko is a member of the organization. The situation became obvious and Shiro's eyes sharpened as he looked in the catman's direction.

Kizune wrote:
Kizune took this time to look over his shoulder. He had been listening quite acutely to the conversation and had a good feeling on what was going on. The Sennin let out a sigh, finished his sake, and went over to the crowd.

"Okara Kami, Zangeru Raida, Hagino Kazi, and Kurokawa Kai. You four are underage and a part of my branch. I will not tolerate any form of illegal activities from anybody in my branch. If I ever see you four in here again, there will be a most severe punishment. Either show yourselves out now, or my boot will do it for you."

Looking at the little student. "I hope you know that the same goes for you as well."

After the five minors left, either willingly or by force, Kizune would turn to the two adults.

"Now gentlemen, what's this business about joining Yakuza?

Masurao Shirokouu wrote:
[Topic Left]

Kami wrote:
Kami blew up at his hair, lifting strands up only to let them fall hardly back to his face. With a look of pure boredom Kami looked up to see Kizune, Ikari Kizune. Crap...

After a fatherly speech Kami gave Kazi and Raida a smile. Well at least the Yakuza situation was handled, but Kami still didn't get to take part in the blood bath that might have followed. There was no point in disobeying Kizune, he had too much respect for the man to confront him in public.

Signaling Kazi and Raida to no rebellion he appeared next to Suweh, almost in a flash of inexistent lightning. Picking her up by the ear again, Kami disappeared from sight, presence and scene. Like yet another play gone wrong, the actors fled within moments of catastrophe. Kami was actually hoping that those men would escape the clutches of Kizune, so that Kami could have what he termed revenge, but it was more of a game finisher.

It wouldn't make a difference anyway as Kami appeared in front of Suweh's house and threw her through some random window. The Okara didn't even go as far as asking why she had that pacifier in her mouth, cat-students like her made him confused.

Kami confused now.

[topic --->]

Kazi wrote:
Kazi looked at the place as Raida arrived followed by the arrival of Kazi's proctor from the Med nins. Kazi looked around as everyone had stopped talking and it seemed that what Kizune was saying was right. Letting out a blunt sigh, Kazi put two of his finger in front of his chest forming the seal and then teleporting away...leaving nothing but mist behind him.

Topic ---->

Jinkotsu Shin wrote:
Shin had been standing a little ways off, trying to judge best what exactly was going on and how best to cause trouble. But to his dismay, another fool walked up and dispersed his beloved gathering. What right does he have to take away my fun? Damn him, but perhaps he can take their place...

Moving closer Shin took up a position behind the new arrival and slightly to his left, so that anyone left at the table would be able to observe him. Then, he began his game, sticking his hands on his hips he tried to make himself look stern and lifting one hand up waggled a finger at some imaginary children.

If the man he was making fun of turned around he would immediately assume a nonchalant stance and pretend he was listening intently to whatever the fool was saying.

Chisuji Jeishi wrote:
{Kizune, your post was pretty damn close to metagaming especially the fact that you just so happened to be there. Don't let it get that close again, it was close enough to piss me off since I hate metagaming to the fullest and Leaf isn't going to tolerate that at all. I'm probably still going to run it through the Council forum just to make sure it isn't.}

Litle Hirosue was up in the air and flying.
Round towards the open window, circling.
Little Hirosue screamed as if she was in anger.
Landing face down on her bed, out of danger.

Little Suweh rolled on her letters like a pad of lilies.
Disorganized and scattered like a bunch of anomalies.
Little Suweh started wondering all about the Jinkotsu.
Curious if they really are dangerous like the Kinjutsu.

[Topic Left] [Free RP Slot Opened]

Kurokawa Kai wrote:
[OOC: wtf >_>]

Kai was getting pissed by the minute. The exasperation, anger and frustration were on his face in such a way that one couldn't differentiate between them. Kai clutched the lemonade and remained silent throughout the whole time. He wouldn't be speaking with Kami, Raida or Kazi. They weren't worth it right now.

Then Kizune appeared. Had Kai been how he usually was, his heart would have sunk. But today was different. His resolve was unbreakable earlier, but now he had grown more determined, after so many attempts to discourage or preventing him from attaining what was most important to him now.

After he saw Kami and Kazi leave, he couldn't stand it. He broke the silence he had maintained for so long. "Kizune-san, you are incapable of understanding of what is happening. You are an ignorant fool. A hypocrite. You yourself give into the temptations of money, power, lust, greed, avarice, pride. However you prevent others from achieving what they need. For you everything is merely a want. For me everything right now is a need." Kai didn't raise his voice. People who shouted never really got their point across as well as those who were calm.

"Kizune-san, I was having an arguement with this".. not so.. "kind gentleman right here. You are the leader of my branch. Ultimately it is my duty to obey you. If you wish not to see me here again, then I will use the most basic jutsu they ever taught us, to transform myself. As for our arguement, Kizune-san, the gentleman and I can always continue it later. We are not at your mercy. I would greatly appreciate it, though, if me and this gentleman could have our privacy here, but I guess that can't be expected. Not from you at the very least."

Kai looked at his lemonade, it had not been drunk at all. What a waste... Kai picked the glass up and gulped its contents down while watching a very amusing mockery of his branch leader by an unknown person. Kai suppressed his laugh. He formed an immediate liking for this guy, whoever he was. As he finished his glass, Kai looked at Kizune, and said in a very matter-of-fact tone, "So, Kizune-san, as I know that you will not succumb to my requests, I will have to continue my arguement somewhere else, where you can find it acceptable." Kai stood up, and faced Neko, "Look man, I am not paying for that drink unless you explain your behaviour to me. Let's finish this outside. "

Kai made a short bow to Raida, and spoke to Kizune, "Thank you for spoiling everyone's mood here Kizune-san and have a very good day." Before leaving the premises through the main door, however, he winked at Shin and gave him a Thumbs-up sign.

[Topic Left.]
[Neko will most probably follow.... I hope T_T]

Inusuki Neko wrote:
(I was waiting for Raida, I assume he’ll leave too. If he won’t, I’ll edit my post)

The assassin had kept his eyes on the boy before me, Kami wasn’t it? His friends had already spilled so much valuable information. The name, they still probably had to learn how dangerous giving one’s name was. Especially in such a place.
Before Jinniku could say anything, a man who had remained in the background until then stepped in, calling the four boys. Part of his branch? Who was that? Neko’s eyes focused on the newcomer, there was something familiar about him… but his memory wasn’t responding.
He wished to know this man’s name too.

Luckily, the boy that wanted to join the Jinkotsu’s family granted him his wish, revealing who that man was and… a bit more than needed. Kizune… Neko finally remembered him, from his genin days. He had helped him, Baku and Talinai in exploring that temple underneath the Hashigaki’s house.
No, he couldn’t let him recognize Neko, even if they had met only once. In a flurry, the Inuzuka turned around, dismissing himself from that meeting. “Yakuza? What are you all talking about? I don’t know anything about those criminals. Shin, let’s go, my friend.”

Without looking back, Jinniku stood and walked out of the bar, waiting for the joker to follow him.

Jinkotsu Shin wrote:
When Shin's name was mentioned he instantly snapped to attention in a cacophony of bells, so that the man he had been imitating would not catch him in the act. Rubbing the back of his head Shin wondered how the angry man had known his name. Perhaps he has something do with the reason I came to this place? Regardless of how he had known his name the fact was that he did, and so Shin felt it was best to go along quietly and find out what was going on.

Smiling widely at the fool in front of him in case he bothered to look in his direction, Shin then politely took his leave.

[Topic Left with Neko unless stopped?]

Zangeru Raid wrote:
EDIT: hehehe..I forgot to Edit this =P

The talk between the men got intense. However, before anything could be find out, the Medic chief had dropped in. Soon, Raida noticed Kazi and Kami disappear upon the man's command. Raida heard the small talk between Kai and Kizune. Before the Hyuuga himself got in trouble, he too decided to leave. Though before leaving, he said one thing to the Uchiha, "Sometimes, you shouldn't consider age but rather the skills. Power won't get you respect"

The Hyuuga then left the place to come out. He activated Byakugan and watched that man named Neko leave. He was soon followed by another person, considerably with an immense chakra. Though, not in a mood to pursue them, Raida entangled himself amongst leaves and went home.

Topic Left <------------

Kizune wrote:
Taking another sip of his drink, Kizune considered the things that were said to him.

"For you everything is merely a want. For me everything right now is a need."

""Sometimes, you shouldn't consider age but rather the skills."

Inusuki Neko wrote:
Without turning back, Jinniku left the pub, leaving a bunch of startled avventors behind. Kizune... that man knew something about the Yakuza... he had to tell Indou...
Kami, was it? Yes, what a strange name. Those two couldn't be left alone, they knew too much.

A small grin escaped the assassin's lips as he opened the door and exited. He knew how merciful the Jinkotsu was to spies and too curious people.

Jinniku eyed his companion, a joker of sort, he didn't know why the Yakuza were interested in such a freak but he surely had some special feature. Oh well, it was not his place to judge, he was just there to deliver a message anyway...

A few steps out of the pub and the assassin gestured Shin to get closer. In a blur, the two shinobi disappeared in a swirl of leaves.